We intend to fulfill the Great Commission by ensuring our members serve in one or more of the many areas of ministries offered at Bayview. Below, you will find ministries for youth of all ages.
“The Garden Where Children Grow” to become more like Jesus through bible based teaching and a fun worship experience on their level. Ages 2-12.
CTG is an entry-level youth and young adult choir that helps its members develop their voices and sharpen their musical skills. Auditions are not required. Ages 14-35.
Expressions of Joy (EOJ) exists to encourage children aged 4-12 to worship the Lord through music and to teach children the blessings of serving the Lord through music. We are committed to exposing your child to the Gospel though music and helping him/her grow in expressing their worship through music. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7pm. Contact us at eoj@bayviewbc.org for more information.
The Bridge teen ministry consists of students aged 13-18. We exist to REACH non-believing students, CONNECT them to other Christians, to help them GROW in their faith, and to challenge the growing to DISCOVER their ministry and to HONOR God with all their life.”